Pick it up!: Why councils are not messing around about dog poo

It’s something every dog owner must do: pick up dog poo. Whether your dog does their business in the garden or on a walk, their poop will need to be cleaned up. Unfortunately, a minority of dog owners don’t follow this etiquette, leaving their dog’s droppings in the street and even in parks. But people…


PetStay Health & Care: Ticks

Keep your dog safe after long walks and find out more about ticks and how to protect your pets. At PetStay, our carers are incredibly vigilant when it comes to the health and safety of guest dogs. Take a look at our handy tick guide and find out more about these parasites and how to…


Is your dog sitter licensed?

With new changes to the Animal Welfare Act coming into force in October, do you know what your pet sitter requires to legally care for your dog? If your pet sitter cares for dogs in their own home then, just like a kennel, they must hold a valid animal boarding licence. These are issued by…


Employee Benefits: Pawternity Leave

Paw-ternity leave or furternity leave is the latest employment benefit being offered by some businesses. Once only available at select companies in the US, more and more UK businesses are offering the employee perk to their dog lovers. What is pawtenity leave? Penned by Scottish beer giant, BrewDog, pawternity leave entitles any employee adding a puppy…


5 more dogs to follow on Instagram

Recently, we asked our social media follows to send us links to their pets’ Instragram pages… And we were not disappointed! We had so many comments with account names and links the PetStay Head Office team decided to showcase as many as they could! So… Here are five more dogs to follow on Instagram! 1. Maisie the Chihuahua…


PetStay Recipe: Liver Cake

The Great British Bake Off is back, and we’re very excited here are PetStay HQ! There’s so much to love; the contestants, Noel Fielding, and of course… cake! But don’t let your pooch miss out. Try this delicious doggy-friendly bake for your pet to enjoy during the new season of GBBO. Liver Cake A savoury…


6 Ways to Celebrate National Dog Day

On 26th August dog lovers across the UK can show their love for their pups for National Dog Day! The annual day falls on Sunday and the Bank Holiday weekend this 2018 which is the perfect time to really enjoy the time with our pooches. National Dog Day is a celebration of our four-legged friends…


Dogs to Follow on Instagram

Instagram is a great way to see photos of breakfasts, holiday snaps, and (more importantly) cute pet photos. You might already know this, but at PetStay we love dogs! One of the best things about our job is looking through all the puppies and dog photos are followers share with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.…


Lucy’s Law: What it means for our pets

This year will see several changes to legislation to better protect animals. Petitions like Lucy’s Law and the work of animal charities has led to Parliament amending and updating the Animal Welfare Act which will be enforced from 1st October in England. Proposals have gone out to consultation and will provide stricter legislations when it…


5 things to pack for your dog’s holiday

Suitcase packed? Tickets and passports ready? But what about Rover? Getting everything ready to go on holiday can be a stressful experience but don’t forget to pack your dog’s bag for their PetStay-cation. Take a look at our handy checklist to ensure your pooch has everything they need for a PetStay holiday 1. Bedding Your…
