PetStay Advice: Adders

Vets and pet charities have released warnings to dog owners after snakes have been spotted on pavements and in parks The UK heatwave has brought out snakes and adders of all sizes (even ones not native to the UK!). A boa constrictor was spotted on a busy East London street while another man found one…


Animal Welfare Act 2018: What does it mean?

Important changes are taking place in England, affecting anyone who breeds, boards, sells or provides day care for dogs. From 1st of October, the new Animal Welfare Act 2018 will come into force providing extra protection for the welfare of our pets. From October, dog owners in England will be able to check whether a…


PetStay Opens in Oxfordshire

Award-winning franchise PetStay welcomed a new franchisee to the growing team. Alex and her gorgeous Golden Retriever, Ruby, will be running the PetStay Oxfordshire branch. PetStay head office was pleased to welcome Alex and support her in their new venture as they open the first PetStay branch in the Oxfordshire area. As PetStay’s 41st branch, PetStay Oxfordshire…


PetStay Story: Coping with the Loss of a Pet

Dogs are a member of the family and we can feel a huge loss when they pass away. For Derry of PetStay Herefordshire, Worcestershire & Monmouthshire, this loss is incredibly fresh after the passing of her own dog, Dooby. It can be a sad and difficult experience when grieving the loss of a pet through…


PetStay opens new branch in Durham

Award-winning franchise PetStay added its 42nd branch to the UK with PetStay Durham & Darlington.   PetStay head office was pleased to welcome Emma and support her in their new venture as they open the first PetStay branch in the Durham area. As PetStay’s 42nd branch, PetStay Durham & Darlington a number of postcodes in the County…


PetStay Guide: Where to Walk Your Dog

Getting out and about with your dog in different areas is a great way to exercise your pooch, mentally and physically. New smells, new sounds, and new scenery turn each walk into a mini adventure. The UK boasts amazing countryside perfect for dog walks, but where are you allowed to walk with your dog? Public…


PetStay Welcomes 40th Branch!

Award-winning franchise PetStay added its 40th branch to the UK with PetStay North Lancashire. PetStay head office was pleased to welcome David and Anne and support them in their new venture as they open the first PetStay branch in the Lancashire area. As PetStay’s 40th branch, PetStay North Lancashire will cover Preston, Lancaster, Morecambe and…


Did you spot our latest campaign?

PetStay’s latest marketing campaign took a different direction this month to attract new carers to our growing local branches. As part of our latest national marketing campaign, PetStay adverts appeared in a number of magazines including Woman’s Own, Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Weekly. The decision was made by PetStay and a selection of self-nominated franchisees to…


PetStay Welcomes New Franchisee to the Team

Award-winning franchise PetStay welcomed franchisee Rachel to the team as she relaunches the PetStay Wakefield & Castleford branch.   Rachel, who lives in West Yorkshire with her family and two cocker spaniels, Buddy and Tess, hopes to grow the branch to provide an amazing service to dog owners in her local area. “After collecting Buddy…


5 Scientific Benefits of Having a Dog

Dog owners around the world will tell you their life is better with a dog. After all, dogs are man’s best friend! While some may say it is a matter of opinion, scientists have conducted studies that PROVE dogs are beneficial to our lives! You’ll have a more active social life According to studies, people…
